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Heng Heng Account
Personal Banking Deposit Heng Heng Account

Enjoy financial security and high interest rates

This account benefits you with more interest earned based on the outstanding balance in your account. The interest rate is accrued daily and paid on a quarterly basis.

Product Features:

Individual (Resident& Non-Resident)

  • Initial opening balance: USD 1,000 / KHR 4,000,000
  • Ongoing balance:USD 500 / KHR 2,000,000

Corporate, Bank, MFI & OFI (Resident & Non-Resident)

  • Initial opening balance: USD 5,000 / KHR 20,000,000
  • Ongoing balance: USD 500 / KHR 2,000,000


  • Be at least18 years old
  • National ID Card / Passport / Family Book / Residence Book


  • Valid passport
  • Employment Certificate / Employment Contract / Business Registration
Daily Ending BalanceUSDRateKHRRate
< 100,0000.00%< 100 million0.00%
≥ 100,000 – 250,0001.00%≥ 100 million – 1,000 million2.00%
≥ 250,000 – 2,000,0002.00%≥ 1,000 million – 8,000 million3.00%
> 2,000,0000.50%> 800 million1.50%
Service Fees

Cheque book


Bank statement




Early account closure (less than 6 months)

USD50 or KHR 200,000

Dormant account

USD50 or KHR 200,000

Note: Interests will be credited to the account on a quarterly basis

Important information

  • Customers must have a legitimate business or occupation, and be not guilty of any crime or offence.
  • To open a Heng Heng Account, simply visit a PPCBank branch or follow the account opening instructions in PPCBank Mobile App.