Online Payment Gateway
We provide a secure online payment gateway that allows merchants to receive payments from PPCBank and other bank customers via Bakong’s KHQR during online shopping.
Make your Online Payment secure and easy
PPCBank offers a modern and secure online payment gateway (account payment) with a few simple steps which merchants can receive payments online from PPCBank or other banks’ customers via Bakong’s KHQR every time customers purchase online products on your website or mobile app with our open-source API that is available for merchants who wish to accept an online payment process with PPCBank.
Business Type Suitability
Food delivery
Online marketplace and E-commerce websites or Apps
Booking apps or websites (taxi, bus, flight etc.)
Top-up (membership cards, wallets, subscriptions)
Bill payment (internet, TV, etc.)
Any businesses which accept (or wish to accept) payments online from customers

Key Benefits
Fast and easy to intergrate with no cost
Free of change on transaction fee
Fully support merchant during and after integrate
Support on marketing activities and promote merchant on bank’s social channel
Merchants increase their sales volume from PPCBank’s customer or other bank’s customer (through KHQR)
Other benefits maybe providing and offering from time to time by PPCBank
To Apply
Fill-in online application
Open bank account
Sign agreement
Integration and testing